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St Michael's Catholic Primary School

Parent Involvement

Parents are the prime educators in the child’s life. The school is the supporter in this family role.

Parents and the school share the responsibility of bringing up their children as Christians. It is essential for parents and teachers to cooperate in the education of the child. Parents may assist in the educational programme by displaying an interest in their child’s activities at school and are encouraged to volunteer their skills and time when the need may arise. Parents are invited to volunteer their skills on class rosters and to assist with supervision on school excursions.

It is the responsibility of parents to provide a supportive environment for the school within the home. This involves preparing the child for school each day, ensuring that the child is properly equipped and punctual, fostering pride in the school and upholding ideals.

Parents & Friends' Association

The role of the P & F is to express the commitment of parents to the school. They become effectively involved by:

  • Maintaining the school environment and upgrading equipment and resources
  • Providing opportunities for parents to socialise with the school community
  • Informing parents of current educational developments
  • Working closely with the school to achieve goals
  • Ensuring that there is a high level of interaction between the home, school, parents and teachers

The P & F Association consist of the office bearers and a committee of volunteer parents and friends. A parent/guardian of a child attending the school, or any person who supports the objectives of the Association is admitted as a member. It offers a forum for collaboration between parents, teachers and the leadership of the school and it is designed to give parents a voice on relevant issues that will benefit the education of their children.

School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council plays an important part in the operation of the school and the general management of the school’s resources. The Advisory Council is constituted to assist the school to fulfil its educational responsibilities and to support the principal, staff and school community in achieving the visions and goals of St Michael’s Catholic Primary School. The functions of the School Advisory Council include:

  • Planning for the present and the future operation of the school
  • The management of all finances associated with the school
  • Advising the Principal with respect to school policy that has financial implications
  • Engaging or discharging staff on the recommendation of the Principal and in accordance with the guidelines

Members are elected to the School Advisory Council at the AGM and membership is for a period of two years. People may be appointed to the Advisory Council for a one year term if this is considered necessary of desirable by the other Advisory Council members.

Excursions & Camps

Parents may be asked to assist with the supervision of children on excursions and camps. The adult to student ratio for the excursion or camps is dependent upon the type of activity and the inherent hazards of particular environments.


The canteen has a volunteer manageress and operates with the help of dedicated volunteer parents. A roster is produced at the beginning of each term and reminders are published each week in the school newsletter.

Encouraging life-long learning

Religious Education Programmes are based on the Religious Education Guidelines for the Archdiocese of Perth. St Michael's incorporates Sacramental programmes as part of the Religious Education syllabus of all years.