Enrolment Guidelines
Enrolment Guidelines
St Michael’s Catholic Primary School provides a distinctly Catholic education and assists parents in the faith development of their children.
General aims to be achieved by the school are:
- To provide an atmosphere of Christian Catholic Community where children, teachers and parents are genuinely concerned for one another.
- To help in deepening and making more personal the child’s knowledge and love of God.
- To provide opportunities for each child to develop their full potential in all learning areas.
- To provide opportunities for the child to participate in the life of the Church and to assist parents in preparing children for the reception of the Sacraments.
- To promote a community where all members are valued, respected and accepted in an atmosphere of trust.
- To develop in each child a sense their own sense of self-worth and concern and respect for others.
- To support parents in taking an active role in the education of their children
The following guidelines apply with respect for the offering of places in the school:
- Catholic students from the Parish with a Parish Priest reference.
- Catholic students from outside the Parish with a Parish Priest reference.
- Other Catholic students.
- Siblings of non-Catholic students.
- Non-Catholic students from other Christian denominations.
- Other non-Catholic students.
Enrolment may take place at any year level, Kindy—Year 6.
The acceptance of an application form does not guarantee an enrolment interview or offer of enrolment.
Enrolment shall only be offered where the school has age-appropriate accommodation and the requisite resources to respond to any specific needs of the student.
All students are required to participate in the school’s Religious Education Programme.

Enrolment Forms
Enrolment forms are to be completed and returned to:
- The Principal, at St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, Sommers Road Brunswick Junction, WA, 6224
Copies of Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate and Immunisation Record must accompany Enrolment Form.
Parent interviews with the Principal will be arranged at a time that is mutually convenient. This is generally on the enrolment of your child.
On accepting offer of enrolment, the parents and student agree to abide by the policies and directions of the school and the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia as they are enacted from time to time.
Encouraging life-long learning
Religious Education Programmes are based on the Religious Education Guidelines for the Archdiocese of Perth. St Michael's incorporates Sacramental programmes as part of the Religious Education syllabus of all years.