Code of Conduct
St Michael's Catholic Primary School
Student Code of Conduct
1. Rationale
An essential principle element in the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework is authentic student participation, which enables students a ‘voice’ to be active participants in their own learning and wellbeing.
Wellbeing is the experience of belonging, of being connected to others in a community, being accepted and valued, being positively involved and engaged, using their social and emotional skills to be respectful, resilient and safe. Students can reach their full educational potential only when they are happy, healthy and safe and when there is a positive school culture to support them. This interdependent relationship between student wellbeing and student learning is fundamental to students’ positive and successful engagement with their education.
The National Safe Schools Framework 2011, revised and renamed in 2018 to the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework, was developed to support schools to build safe school communities and to address student wellbeing priorities. The safety of students is essential for academic development and all students should be able to learn and develop in safe, supportive and respectful environments. The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers also reflects an emphasis on student safety and wellbeing. This is specifically outlined in Standard 4: Create and Maintain Supportive and Safe Learning Environments.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all of Saint Michael’s students and the whole school community.
3. Teacher Student Relationships
Students need to feel loved by their teachers and by other school staff, just as his disciples felt loved by Jesus. Students need to be inspired to love their teachers in turn. Ideally, teacher/student relationships will develop the openness and dialogue that helps teachers to guide their students.
4. A Christian Pastoral Dimension
From the moment a student joins Saint Michael’s Primary School, they are encouraged to learn of their value as human persons. Every aspect of Saint Michael’s aim to reflect a Christian pastoral dimension.
5. Supporting Positive Behaviours
5.1 Students are supported by well-organised, caring, safe, inclusive and consistently managed classrooms and outdoor spaces in which students can build a sense of belonging and participation in their environment.
5.2 Students are supported in the playground by their teachers and friends. They are encouraged positively, to develop an understanding of the rules, enabling them to feel safe with the Student Code of Conduct Page – 2 – of 2 knowledge of boundaries for play space and the awareness of their rights and the rights of others. Whole School and one to one reflection is encouraged to enjoy a happy, inclusive play as the students build friendships, a sense of belonging, an understanding of their own expectations and the expectations of them to feel safe and secure in seeking support, should their be times when they are unsure.
5.3 Students are supported to take responsibility by making quality choices as they learn selfcontrol. This is reinforced as they develop an awareness and understanding of Saint Michael’s clear expectations and negotiated consequences on their journey of building and enjoying positive relationships with members of the whole school community.
5.4 Students are supported and encouraged to use the Student Complaint Process, should they have a complaint or suggestion for improvement.
6. Expectations of Students
6.1 Help fellow students who are in need.
6.2 Listen to your teachers and your friends.
6.3 Take turns and you will have fun and be happy.
6.4 Have fun, be happy and look forward to coming to school to share what is important to you, with the community.
6.5 School rules outlined at the beginning of the year, reviewed at assemblies and in class for existing and new students, are followed to ensure that everybody feels safe.
6.6 Seek support from a teacher or the Principal if anything bad happens or if someone has a problem or is being bullied.
6.7 Talk to your teacher or another teacher if you don’t understand something or if you want to share what you do understand.
6.8 Always for extra help if you need it.
6.9 Remember if you make a mistake it is part of learning, you can fix it up or practice again.
6.10 Do your best and challenge yourself.
6.11 Learn and try to live like Jesus.
6.12 Pray and talk to Jesus.
6.13 If someone has a problem, help them or go for help.
6.14 If something doesn’t go ‘your way’ bounce back!
6.15 When someone hasn’t made the best choice, be a good model.
6.16 Respect yourself and respect others.
6.17 Respect people who are different.
6.18 Be Welcoming.
Encouraging life-long learning
Religious Education Programmes are based on the Religious Education Guidelines for the Archdiocese of Perth. St Michael's incorporates Sacramental programmes as part of the Religious Education syllabus of all years.